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March 23, 2020
kecil tapi kuat ! review bor cordless drill bosch gsb 120 li, bor kombinasi praktis dan murah !
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Rekomendasi 1: Jual Wiper Mobil
Rekomendasi 2: Wiper Mobil Suzuki Escudo

Link : Gs Astra

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spesifikasi: kecepatan tanpa beban1,400 rpm diameter mata gergaji 85 mm diameter lubang mata gergaji 15 mm voltase baterai 

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0-2800 rpm
0-41800 bpm
1.5-13 mm

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basically they both suck. if you want tobasically they both suck. if you want todrillbasically they both suck. if you want tobasically they both suck. if you want todrilla couple thousand

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gsb 10,8-2-li professional.

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review bosch gws 060 profesional dengan
1 harga -+ rp 400.000
2 berat 2 kg
3 daya listrik 670 w
4 ukuran spindel

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tools link: in this video i have tried to explain the usefulness of "countersink"tools link:

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bor ini saya reomendasikan untuk pemula, build quality bagus. kokoh dan chuck tidak goyang..

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